
Ring middleware for Okta Single Sign-on


added in 0.1.0

The compojure routes for Okta

POST /login
POST /logout


added in 0.1.0

(wrap-okta handler okta-home)(wrap-okta handler okta-home options)
Ring middleware for Okta Single Sign-on


handler                - the ring handler function

okta-home              - the URL to be redirected to for Okta login
                         e.g. https://company.okta.com

Accepts the following options:

:okta-config           - the location of the Okta configuration file
                         (defaults to "resources/okta-config.xml")

:redirect-after-logout - the destination URL to be redirected to after a `POST /logout`
                         (defaults to "/")

:skip-routes           - a list of routes as a string or regex to skip Okta authentication
                         e.g. [:get "/about" :any "/contact" :get "/home/\S+"]

:force-user            - a default user to be used for development